Thursday, July 19, 2012

Progress Towards Offical CM Status for the Epic 4G Touch

After months of waiting and countless leaked builds, literally, Sprint finally decided to push out the official Ice Cream Sandwich OTA for our device. With that official OTA out the bag, Samsung has also since released ICS kernel source. This will allow a couple of things regarding future CM development on our device.

  • Overall, the FF18 source release from Samsung was a complete mess. Team Epic devs have been working on getting the source cleaned up and booting.
  • So you may be asking, "What's currently being worked on since source release?" Well..
    • Team Epic dev mkasick has been working on porting kexec support for the source kernel similar to the Gingerbread based directbootCWM kexec kernel released earlier.
    • Team Epic dev nubecoder has been working on an FF18 temp boot utility similar to the EL29 temp boot released earlier. This will allow for prl and profile updates, recalibrating sensors, device activations, gps locks, etc, while on a CM build for those who need it.
    • Team Epic dev chris41g has also been working on getting the source kernel booting and integrating it into the CM build process. He has also updated the custom recovery from CWM5 to Koush's latest, CWM6. Along with that, the emmc brick bug has been patched making it safe to wipe, flash, backup and restore in.
  • So as you can see, work is done and progress is being made. We hope to have the Epic 4G Touch upgraded to official CM status soon. With that, we will see official CM9 RC releases, official nightlies, and eventually CM10 for our device.