Thursday, September 6, 2012

CyanogenMod Beta 1 for the Epic 4G Touch

After months of waiting, code changes, debugging and many experimental builds, the moment you all have been waiting for is finally here. Team Epic and CM are proud to announce CyanogenMod 9 Beta 1 for the Samsung Epic 4G Touch.

Release Notes
  • A lot has changed since our last release, Alpha 6. Since then, our device has undergone many changes to comply with official CM standards.
  • We now share a common kernel and proprietaries with the rest of the gs2 family. This means that anytime our int'l brothers get  a kernel update, so do we. This also helps greatly with getting official CM device status.
  • Big thanks to UberPinguin for completely rewriting a new RIL for our device. This helps with all things mobile connectivity.
Be sure to verify the md5sum to be sure you got the right one. 

  • Latest CM9 upstream code.
  • Verified safe recovery. You don't have to worry about bricking when wiping/flashing if you are using the included kernel/recovery with the ROM zip.
  • The epic4gtouch is now known as the d710 in compliance with other gs2 and samsung device naming conventions.
  • Opensource sensor hal and lights library.
  • Reconfigured storage to actually work with swapping and cwm backup.
  • Our device now uses smdk-common kernel and proprietaries which helps with official CM status.
  • New RIL by UberPinguin which helps all things mobile connectivity. Read here for more info.
  • Fixed and overhauled advanced settings (screen, sensors, haptic, and dock settings).
  • Improved GPS configuration.
  • Improved touchpanel sensitivity.
  • Improved battery life and less wake locks.
  • Improved storage mounting in CWM.
  • Mostly all features and settings working with only a few quirks.
  • Closer and closer to official CM device status.
See the CM9 Status page for more details on the ROM, then head over to the CM9 Install Guide to install the ROM. Please check the Epic Touch CM Issue Tracker to see if your bug has been reported, before filing a new issue report. If you have any other questions, feel free to join #ics-dev-e4gt on freenode to come in and chat with us. Also, slickrick is a boss. That is all.